Saturday, October 4, 2014

Yearbooks Feed The Families Of Vaughan

On Tuesday September 30, 240 Yearbook Editors from around the greater Toronto area helped make a difference in their community. Although Layouts, Augmented Reality, Photography and more was the focus so many of our editors showed up with canned goods for the local food bank. The story doesn't end there however. The workshop is months of preparation. Powerpoints, guest speakers, handouts and of course coordinating the prizes with the Herff Jones Printing Plant. Afterwards we're exhausted and usually it's an "office day" immediately following the workshop.  These are busy times however and it was back to back appointments the following day, with one exception. Arlene Furst, our National Sales Manager usually accompanies me to schools meeting Yearbook editors, Advisers and Administrators, but this day would be an exception. Instead she accompanied me to the local food bank to drop off all of the donations. Usually it's a quick stop at the fire hall, but this year I decided to go to the source of all donations. We met Peter, the local manager and "go to" person for all food banks in Vaughan. We had a tour, learned where all the food goes and were shocked to learn the food bank helped serve 1.7 million meals last year. Incredible! I came home to dinner that night a little more thankful and appreciative of everything our family has. Thanks to the editors of our schools for making a difference in the lives of our community and giving this sales professional a something to ponder this Thanksgiving.  Life is good. #yearbooksuccess

Matt Sloan
The Office of Matt & Mary Sloan, Representing Herff Jones Inc.