Wednesday, December 10, 2014

3.5 Tips On Avoiding Yearbook Adviser Turnover

1.  Say "Thanks" - So many administrators forget to thank their staff Adviser. Sports teams get so much of the glory, but it's the Yearbook team that documents that big game and preserves it forever.

2.  Give them a voice - The single most common issue I hear from staff Advisers is the inability of the school to adapt to changing needs.  If your Adviser wants to try social networking to drum up sales let them. They will invest the time and it may be a fantastic experience for the students.

3. Give them fewer on-calls - Yearbooks often take a lot of extra time.  Layout, proofing etc. Giving your staff Adviser fewer on calls helps them create the book with fewer errors, less stress and rewards them for all the extra time they put in. Let's face it do you really want to try and find a new staff adviser next year?

3.5. Take a peek inside the Yearbook room. When was the last time you stopped in? When the Principal shows an interest in the students, a unique layout or amazing photo the Adviser feels special and can you image how the students will feel?

Life is good. Yearbooks are amazing and you are appreciated.

The Office of Matt & Mary Sloan
Representing Herff Jones Inc.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Success starts 15 minutes before the bell and here's why.  Have you ever dropped off your kids or driven by a school fifteen minutes before the first bell? How many cars are in the lot? Answer: hardly any. I asked my son why the Principal's car is always the first one in the lot. His answer was "because he's the Principal". Wrong. Successful people start the day early and helping our kids get to school early sets the tone for the day, week and indeed the year. Recently I had a conversation with a seasoned Principal. She told me of the struggles to teach time management and how important it is to start the day early. Her concerns, unfortunately, are not always shared by parents. Schools and companies like ours have anti-bully programs, anti-drug and drinking and driving programs. All important for sure, but lets all share a message to start early and prepare for success. This, in my opinion, is one of the most important messages we can convey to our students. Life is good, Yearbooks are great and you are appreciated.

Matt Sloan
The Office of Matt and Mary Sloan

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Communication Makes Great Yearbooks

#yearbooksuccess. As with just about everything in life communication is a key component to creating a great Yearbook.  It won't create the spreads or win awards but it will help with fewer errors, typos and peace of mind throughout the year. In my experience great Yearbooks don't just happen.  They are the result of keen editors that send an email after every deadline asking me to log in and look at a spread they worked extra hard on. Great Yearbooks are also the result of teachers that go the extra distance by calling the editors at home before each deadline to remind them, cheer them on and thank them for their hard work. Sometimes great Yearbooks are the result of a customer service representative that noticed a mug shot duplicated or missing.  Yearbooks tell stories.  Stories of the school year, or the successful student but their story runs deep. Deeper than most know.  Life is good, Yearbooks are great and you are appreciated. 

Matt Sloan
The Offiice of Matt and Mary Sloan
Representing Herff Jones Inc.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Why Deadlines Are So Important

Over the past fifteen years as a Yearbook Sales Professional I have met many Yearbook staffs. Great staffs understand the importance of deadlines- especially the first deadline. While many of my competitors promote "no deadlines" (something that really doesn't make sense when you think about it- after all when would the Yearbook deliver?) it's my belief that deadlines teach students important life lessons. School essays and assignments have deadlines don't they? Meeting the first Yearbook deadline is so important. The first deadline for a spring delivery is usually mid November and it's no coincidence that the schools that have GREAT yearbooks crush the first deadline. Often they submit their cover a few weeks ahead of time or even have a preliminary design in the late spring of the previous school year. If you are considering removing the pressure of deadlines for your staff please don't. Instead set mini deadlines. Consider 5-6 deadlines but with smaller page counts. Plan to celebrate each deadline and reward the editors with pizza, a trip to Starbucks or something everyone can get into. After all isn't it better to celebrate #yearbooksuccess rather than sweat the delivery date because the staff submitted everything late? I think so and the best Yearbook staffs will likely agree.

Life is good, Yearbooks are amazing and you are appreciated.

Matt Sloan
The Office of Matt & Mary Sloan
Representing Herff Jones Inc.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Yearbooks Feed The Families Of Vaughan

On Tuesday September 30, 240 Yearbook Editors from around the greater Toronto area helped make a difference in their community. Although Layouts, Augmented Reality, Photography and more was the focus so many of our editors showed up with canned goods for the local food bank. The story doesn't end there however. The workshop is months of preparation. Powerpoints, guest speakers, handouts and of course coordinating the prizes with the Herff Jones Printing Plant. Afterwards we're exhausted and usually it's an "office day" immediately following the workshop.  These are busy times however and it was back to back appointments the following day, with one exception. Arlene Furst, our National Sales Manager usually accompanies me to schools meeting Yearbook editors, Advisers and Administrators, but this day would be an exception. Instead she accompanied me to the local food bank to drop off all of the donations. Usually it's a quick stop at the fire hall, but this year I decided to go to the source of all donations. We met Peter, the local manager and "go to" person for all food banks in Vaughan. We had a tour, learned where all the food goes and were shocked to learn the food bank helped serve 1.7 million meals last year. Incredible! I came home to dinner that night a little more thankful and appreciative of everything our family has. Thanks to the editors of our schools for making a difference in the lives of our community and giving this sales professional a something to ponder this Thanksgiving.  Life is good. #yearbooksuccess

Matt Sloan
The Office of Matt & Mary Sloan, Representing Herff Jones Inc.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Big Event Yearbook Workshop - Why it's great and why it exists

On Tuesday September 30th we will welcome over two hundred keen Yearbook editors at our annual Yearbook workshop. The Big Event Workshop is the main "kick off" to the school year as schools from all over Ontario attend and take part in a great networking experience. Augmented Reality is the BIG draw this year and I can't remember a time when there was such excitement in the air. How do you make the Yearbook come alive? How do you add depth to the pages and give even more value to the students? Why not utilize their smartphone or tablet? It's cool and everyone is blown away when they see it. I can't wait to see everyone at the workshop! #bigeventworkshop

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Crossing Borders To Help

As we approach our fifteenth anniversary representing Herff Jones it seems fitting that we try to help even more people. In fact why not try helping Yearbook staffs we may never meet!  This week we launched "A Survival Guide For Yearbook Advisers". Our first ebook is now available on Smashwords, Google Books and has been accepted by Apple,Kobo and Kindle as well. We expect the book to be available on all platforms within a couple of days. Exciting! We expect more volumes to come as we continue to help more people create great Yearbooks. While the ebook is a new format for us,our mission has not changed. Help people make great Yearbooks by using the latest technology, best software and just good old fashioned advice and sometimes a shoulder to lean on. Enjoy the week. Life is good.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

~~~ Yearbook Curriculum Course = Student Success ~~~

It's almost September and a skid (yes, a skid) of Yearbook Curriculum has just arrived. Ready for distribution to our schools and ready for #yearbooksuccess  AWESOME! It's clear that schools that focus on Yearbook journalism make great yearbooks. Direction is what is needed and what our Yearbook Curriculum delivers. New and experienced Yearbook Advisors receive Powerpoints, Rubrics, Workbooks and more. Are you ready? Is the school Yearbook Advisor ready? Remember The Big Event Yearbook Workshop is Thursday September 25th, 2014- register now at  See you there! P.S. PLEASE Order the Yearbook Curriculum soon- Mary wants to park her car in the garage this winter! :) 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Design & Deadlines

With September only a few weeks away we are already starting to get a trickle of emails from brand new Yearbook Advisors. Panic is starting to set in. What they don't know is the Yearbook Kit, which is crucial to begin the design process, is probably already waiting for the at the school. The summer, although a month to recharge, is actually a busy time for us. We prepare welcome back packs, workshop dates and more. We're ready for you. How do you prepare? Attend our workshop. The largest fall workshop in the country. Dates to be announced. Stay tuned! #yearbooksuccess

Friday, June 20, 2014

Social Media And Why Your Yearbook Publisher Should Be Helping You

When our office visits a potential new customer we never talk about number of copies and pages.  Why? Because your students don't care about how many pages the book is or how many copies the school orders. What they DO care about is how the Yearbook makes them feel when they open it for the first time. Do they feel connected to the Yearbook? Do they feel connected to their school? Yearbooks really have not changed much over the years but what has is how schools should be using social media to enhance the Yearbook experience. Stitch- our social media portal has been a big part of schools this year. It's worth checking out at What else is new? How about rolling a smartphone over a Yearbook photo to watch and listen to video or see a slide show of additional content?

Ask your Yearbook Sales Professional to consult with you on social media and forget about number of copies and pages for a moment. Taking this route will engage more students, celebrate their accomplishments and ultimately improve school spirit.  That's how the traditional printed Yearbook can make a difference in your school and that's #yearbooksuccess

Why The Best Schools Succeed

Successful schools have three things in common. One is that they create relationships with trusted partners and vendors in the community. In my experience relationships are key to any successful school. Our office fields many calls throughout the year from schools with unique issues. Perhaps an administrator wants to give a Yearbook to a student that can't afford a one but has great academic performance. In this case we will make available a handful of Yearbooks to assist the school and we can talk pricing strategies to allow the school to have Yearbooks on hand every year for these situations. 

Secondly, successful schools are always thinking two and even three years down the road. What do we want the Yearbook to look like in 2015? Recently I had a meeting with a new school that asked a great question. "How are you different than the other publishers". How long do we have to talk? ;)

Finally great schools focus their first editors' meeting on the Yearbook NOT the budget.  Nothing brings a meeting down quicker than talking about price, copy counts and page counts.  Start with the dream and work the finances around it.  

#yearbooksuccess is easy when you start now. Visit the best schools are already there.  

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June is an emotional month- kind of like flipping through a Yearbook

I just heard a "thud" at the door. Exciting!  Likely Yearbook samples that sometimes arrive shortly after delivery to the schools. As the Fedex driver turns and heads off there's a moment of contemplation about the school year.  The final printed and bound copy is very exciting to crack open for the first time. Schools are just as excited, but as their sales professional I also have that "dad moment" of feeling proud of the editors for accomplishing such a huge task. June is a roller coaster ride of ups and downs though. Sure the delivery is exciting but sometimes the staff Advisor moves on or the editors graduate.  Time to start over again. #yearbooksuccess isn't achieved easily, but nothing worth it ever is. Let's evaluate what went right and what needs improvement and get ready for a great summer.  Congratulations!  We did it together!

Matt & Mary Sloan

Monday, May 26, 2014


Even if you don't use social media you've noticed it's everywhere. Although we can't keep track of all the new sites popping up we can harness their power to promote all of the POSITIVE things happening in your school.  How? A few years ago QR (Quick Response) codes started popping up in Yearbooks.  They were cool, but way ugly. A fantastic layout interrupted by an ugly square that looked like a bar code.  Embedding video links in actual layout photos are the newest trend. Our office is all over them and it looks like the next big thing. How do you get on board? For every existing or new customer for 2015 we will visit and work with your team to make it happen. Imagine! Rolling a smartphone over the photo of the football team to see game highlights or the band photo to hear the school song performed!

We love Yearbooks but most of all helping schools take the Yearbook to the next level. Like us on Facebook or give us a ring. Let's get started!

Matt & Mary

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Some Sales Professionals Work Ten Months Of The Year, That's Not How We Roll

Recently we attended a Principal and administrators trade show. Our office loves these shows. Where else can we visit with so many like minded people?   People that want to make a difference in schools.  The most interesting conversations though take place at set up and tear down. The types of conversations that make us pause and smile that WE are on the right track.  Here's a summary of one of those conversations and #yearbooksuccess

Competitor: "Can't wait til summer !"
Me: "I go stir crazy after a couple weeks"
Competitor "Not me!  It's why I do this job"

Wow!  Really?   I think his customers probably have noticed.  Don't you?

This is a great career.  Sure, it's challenging working with teenagers but isn't that part of the fun too?  Life is good I just wish more folks felt that way.  It would be better for the industry and our schools.  Cheers to a busy spring !!

Matt & Mary

Friday, May 16, 2014

Why Numbers Don't Lie And How The Yearbook Benefits

In about 6 weeks, when the school year is done, I'll log on to the big Herff Jones computer and run a simple report.  Number of books delivered.  Why?  We know the average Yearbook is seen by 6-8 people that don't attend the school. Parents, cousins, friends etc etc. So the calculation is number of books X 8.  It's a big number and that's #yearbooksuccess .  It helps us to focus on why we do what we do.  Why Herff Jones is here and the impact a simple Yearbook can have. We help our customers touch the lives of ten's of thousands of people every year.  Each person that views the Yearbook pours over every picture, every article and in our little way we have made a difference.  Our customers have made a difference and our Yearbook Advisors have defintely made a difference.  Thanks for all you do...we can't wait to see so many Yearbooks deliver in the coming weeks.  Life is good. :)

Matt & Mary
Representing Herff Jones

Thursday, May 8, 2014

School Pride Starts In The Principal's Office

We've all caught ourselves saying "the problem with kids today...", but respect is indeed a two way street. Today I visited a York Region school and what should have been a thirty minute meeting lasted over an hour.  I met the Principal, Vice Principal, and office staff and felt the power of respect.   As the Principal showed me around the school the floors were clean, litter almost non-existant and the office staff seemed upbeat.  The Principal explained to me that "the students here are different", yet I couldn't help think it was the Principal that was different.  He didn't tell me about the challenges facing the school or complain about budget instead he focused on the positive.  Applause cards seemed like a perfect fit for the school.  Applause cards are simple ways of recognizing all the great things happening in our schools.  With motivational messages on one side and blank on the back for personal notes we can help administrators recognize people.  Students, teachers and parents that really make a difference. This is a great career and it just keeps getting better. #yearbooksuccess

Matt Sloan

Friday, May 2, 2014

Schools are not a commodity....

Schools Are Not A Commodity So Why Do Some Companies Think They Are?

It's that time of year when Mary and I attend a lot of Principal, Board and Teacher conferences.  As such we run into many of the same vendors show after show.  This is one of my favourite times of year.  Lots of action, lots of pages coming in, graduation cap and gown orders being placed and diploma products delivering.  Best of all I have a front row seat to our fellow vendors and competition.  Many look tired and speak excitedly of the year coming to the end.  I don't get it.  If you are in the business of helping people why do you want to take the summer off?  If the daily travel is getting you down why are you in this business?  We are always the first vendor to show up and the last to leave. We often watch the other vendors push their way through the crowd of people they came to meet and tear down their displays thirty minutes before the end of the conference.  Sad really, but drives home the famous Zig Ziglar matra "You can have everything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want".  True back in the 70's when Zig was sharing his thoughts with the world, true now.   This is a great business with great people.  Glad to be here and excited for the next few weeks. #yearbooksuccess

Matt & Mary

Monday, April 28, 2014

There's an error in the Yearbook! Now what?

Let's face it almost every school has a Yearbook horror story.  The missed grad, the typo, an inappropriate photo and on it goes.  It's not the end of the world.  Most mistakes can be fixed either with a tip-in page supplied by the printer to replace the problem page or a "crack and peel " label that magically covers the error.  What's important is not to point fingers but to get it fixed.   When our office receives a call of such an issue we immediately do everything we can to repair the book.  Finding the source of the error is for later.  Yearbook misprints do teach us an important lesson however.  Getting your pages in early and not waiting until the deadline gives you an earlier delivery.  This will give you the option of making a repair to the book without holding up distribution.  Most importantly communicate with your sales professional.  Chances are we've seen it before and have options.  We love yearbooks and want nothing more than happy customers! #yearbooksuccess

Matt & Mary

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Why Earth Day Matters

Going green isn't just a recent focus of Herff Jones.  We've been a leader for years, even before we needed to be.   Each year 2150 tons of paper and 200 tons of aluminum are recycled from our producing plants.  We only use dual certified forests from domestic sources, (meaning no protected forests or environmentally sensitive areas), and we use organic glues, vegetable based inks and more. Why does this matter?   Well, in a competitive market schools may look for less expensive options. Recently I spoke with a school asking about a CD yearbook.   The thinking is that compact discs have  less impact on the environment.   But ask yourself a three questions...

1.   Have you ever thrown out a Yearbook?

2.  Did you know that according to most leading sources that only 1 percent of a CD is actually made from recycled materials?   The lead and PVC plastics used in compact discs have long lasting impacts on our environment.  

3.  How many cds have you discarded over the years?   From old music cds and the cases that contain them it's doubtful you'll keep them forever and with technology changes you will likely be forced to discard them.

Being green just makes sense and we're glad to be a part of it!

Matt & Mary Sloan

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

JEA in San Diego - A Quick Trip South Makes For Big Ideas

 Last week I had the opportunity to fly to San Diego for a quick yearbook conference and preview of JEA - The Journlism Education Association   Wow!  So many great ideas and passion for the school Yearbook.   Did you know you can include video in your school Yearbook?  New technology now makes it possible.  I would be happy to share the idea and details with you soon.   San Diego is a beautiful city and I'm looking forward to JEA next year.  Perhaps another winter break to put on the calendar.   Attached are some photos around the convention centre and the link to JEA is included in this blog.   Thanks for reading and good luck this spring!  #yearbooksuccess

Matt & Mary Sloan

Monday, April 7, 2014

Cross Curricular Success

School guidance departments often spend a great deal of time working with students to put them on a course of success.   Why not the Yearbook course?  No other course in the school boasts cross-currciuluar success more than Yearbook.   Journalism, Art, Photography, Business, Comm Tech, Computer Science and English they all play a role in the success of the school yearbook.   Recently I had a conversation with a Yearbook Advisor about his program.   Why is this relevant?  Three reasons.

1.  The teacher loves teaching Yearbook and is darn good at it.

2.  The school Yearbook keeps getting better each year.   With a focus on great layout and photography the school is incredibly lucky to have this teacher.

3.  Yearbook courses and the skills they teach CAN change the school.   I've seen it and continue to witness it each and every day.  Ever noticed the schools with great school spirit have great Yearbooks?  I have.

Consider the alternative to NOT having a Yearbook course.   One of two things will most certainly happen.

1.  The school will have great success as a club, assuming they find a super keen teacher willing to take it on long term.

2.  The Yearbook will stall and the task of advising will end up on the desk of a Principal or Vice Principal each and every year.

Bottom line is if the Yearbook is working as a club, keep it that way.  If it's working as a course then keep it as a course.   Change is good, but when it comes to Yearbook moving forward should be the focus with cross-curricular impact being the long term goal.


Matt & Mary Sloan

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Welcome to our blog. Matt & Mary Sloan, Representing Herff Jones Inc.

Thank you for visiting our blog.   As sales professionals with Herff Jones Inc. we love what we do!   Yearbooks, Agendas, Diplomas and Cap & Gown products are part of student life and we are thrilled to be part of the student experience.   Over the next several posts we will cover many of the popular topics schools as us about.  Some will be fun, others informative and some may even be challenges we face in eduction.   Stay tuned.

Matt & Mary

Covering Student Tragedies In Our Schools

Recently a colleague asked for recommendations on covering a student death in the school Yearbook.   Having children myself this scenario is almost unthinkable, but it is a fact of life and unfortunately we are asked this question every year.

In my experience it is crucial to get the parents and administration involved.   Students will be the first to step up and offer to design a Yearbook page or social media post through Stitch, our school social media portal.   If the parents object, or the administration feels the school Yearbook is not the best way to commemorate a young life cut short, the school should not proceed with coverage.   If the parents are supportive and the front office is involved then tasteful coverage is the goal.    Be careful of the Yearbook theme.  If it's upbeat you may need to speak with your Yearbook sales professional about possible changes.  Planning placement is also key.   Perhaps beside the admin team page, chaplain page or the last page in the Yearbook is appropriate.

Although it may be difficult asking parents for their favourite photos may be the best way to cover the event.   Be sure the parents receive a complimentary copy of the Yearbook as well.   Get signatures from friends before presenting them with their copy.  

As always the school Yearbook is the only permanent record of the year so choosing your coverage carefully should be your goal.

Matt & Mary Sloan